Pearlington Report Card

A dynamic report on the activities of the members of C.O.D.R.A. - the Coalition of Disaster Relief Agencies operating in Pearlington, Mississippi in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Each member group is autonomous and selects its own projects, completely independent of both C.O.D.R.A. and the Pearlington Recovery Center.

04 January, 2007

Report from Pickin' Up The Pieces

Linda Edwards posts this:

Upcoming trips – Please join us:
January 12 – 16, 2007
February 16 – 20, 2007
March 12 – 16, 2007
April – to be announced
May – to be announced
June 2-8, 2007

December 27 – December 31, 2006

Delivered 150 winter coats to Pearl Mart which were donated by members of Asbury Memorial UMC, Savannah, GA.

Also, we had a group of 5 Savannah volunteers joined by 6 more volunteers from California & Oregon to continue work on the OHAAT home of Dennis & Ivy Watson. We completed much of the plumbing and electrical and began an addition onto the home that will eventually house 7 family members.

We are currently gathering information to submit to the Salvation Army to secure more grants to complete work on some of the remaining OHAAT houses. We are networking with other groups to work on these homes so that we can have more continuity in handing off these projects from one group to another. Communication is key between groups so that one group doesn’t have figure out where the other group left off. We hope to have materials in place by mid February to work on these homes. Any group interested in joining us in completing these houses are welcome, electrical and plumbing experience a plus!. Please contact me at

December 15 – 17

We had a group of 5 volunteers travel to the distribution center in Pearlington, MS (Pearl Mart) to distribute gift bags to 160 children who were adopted through our Adopt an Angel Program. The out reach was a huge success in that we had a tremendous amount of participation from the Savannah community as well as participation from folks from Colorado, Wisconsin, New York and North Carolina. The Stennis Rotary Club supplemented our outreach to include gift cards to an additional 120 children for a total of 280 children benefiting from this holiday outreach. We also adopted out 5 particularly needy families identified through the Gulfview Elementary School in Kiln, MS. The distribution was preceded by a 10 + vehicle parade of emergency vehicles complete with sirens blaring and lights flashing. The parade ended at Pearl Mart with the arrival of the guest of honor, Santa, and his helper, who incidently looked a lot like Elvis! Special thanks to Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church, Hallmark Homes of Savannah, Stennis Rotary Club, and the Savannah Bar Association for their support.